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Our Leadership and Staff
Meet the Spiritual Team

Jim Demski
Lead Pastor
I’m Bro. Jim, my wife Chi (pronounced CHEE) and I have been married for 3 years. My wife is originally from Zambia and I’m originally from Massapequa, NY.
I first got saved in 2001, but what really elevated my faith was what happened in May of 2018. I was dealing with multiple issues. I fell to my knees and begged God to help me. This is when things really began to change, I spent so much time in prayer, studying God’s Word and serving. I desperately wanted to go on a church trip to Israel that June, but I ended up not able to walk or stand up for about five days. I was stuck in bed entire time, but I felt peace, though I had no idea what was happening. During that time, I lost about 40 pounds and after which I had to use a walker for about 2 months. This miracle that God did for me, gave me the zest and zeal I have for every minute of every day as I know every second is precise and I owe it to God to serve Him anywhere and everywhere I can. My passion is for the lost and the broken people out there because I have been there.
One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 27:17, because firmly believe in the support, friendship and accountability among believers.

Curtis Alexander
Curtis Alexander is the Founder of The City of Refuge Church, Inc. He credits all to The Lord God Almighty. Apostle Alexander loves meeting and encouraging people to aspire to live out their God-given dreams/visions/aspirations. Apostle Alexander works in the Healthcare field for a Laboratory Co. in Brentwood, TN. In his spare time he loves traveling, taking rides/drives to the Amish Country in Ethridge, TN and visiting family/friends. Apostle Alexander is known for his cheerful/warmth smile/heart position he has and his charismatic zeal.

Stephen Mason
Assistant to Founder
Greetings, I am Stephen The Sign Holding Guy from Aransas Pass, Texas.
The Lord called me into the Family on April 3, 2009.
In the early morning hours God sent a servant in the form of an off duty deputy.
After an altercation on the side of the road in Damascus, Arkansas of all places, Jesus found me, because I was lost. I quickly surrendered my life to Him.
Studying, and learning began within two weeks...
Charis graduate on July 20, 2012.
Then Ordained by Glorybound Ministries Center on July 21 2012.
It was actually 11 years ago today on August 3, 2012 that began the mission to pray with Law Enforcement in each town throughout Missouri.
Upon the completion in early 2013, came an invitation to assist in the building of a Non Government Organization in the RGV [Rio Grande Valley] of Southern Texas that now rescues children and young adults from trafficking across the border, From Beautiful Texas to So-Cal.
*That's how I became a Texan*
Then from February 2013 through November 2015 came praying at all the state capitals including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
During this time, there were also thousands of speaking engagements, prayer stops, meetings, greetings, and blessings.
2015 I was invited into the Round Table Alliance Prayer Ministry. Being allowed to pray at the White House each year. Along with other invitations and national events, nascar races, NFL and MLB games.
Christian Word Ministry publications in 2015 asked for written prayers to add to their prayer manual.
2015 late 2016 was an internship in Phoenix at Hardcore Christianity.
January 2017 back to Texas to assist 27 other carpenter pastors to create a vacation spot for traveling ministers in Aransas Pass, Texas.
This Beautiful ground up build was scheduled to be completed by September 2017.
On the night of August 25, 2017, Hurricane Harvey made landfall near Port Aransas and neighboring Rockport as a Category 4 hurricane. Its winds were clocked at 130 mph. 53% of Aransas Pass' structures were damaged.
During the storm, 68 Texans lost their lives, including 3 of our pastor volunteers.
With another 38 deaths in the following days.
On August 25, 2018 this mission was completed, along with a wedding that I was blessed to officiate under the only tree Harvey didn't take.
God blessed me with rest in that home until it was time to hit the road yet again in late 2018.
Through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, working both sides of the border including Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, and Nicaragua.
For a year and a half of Carpentry and Ministry. We built homes, schools, churches, and we were treated the best ever.
Then in late December of 2020, the remaining 24 of us pastors that were left from the Aransas Pass build, got together.
And on January 1, 2021 @ 6am, we started out on a 91 day prayer tour of all 254 Courthouses in the state of Texas, along with all 1,932 law enforcement offices.
Why, because we believe strongly that Prayer Changes Things.
The tour was simply called:
Prayer Changes Texas.
For the last 11 years as of today August 3, 2012, I have been traveling from state to state, and country to country preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and fulfilling the Mark 16: 15-18 commission.
God blessed me to have had the opportunity to build a foundation of the word of God here on Facebook and through a Mark 16 Traveling Ministry.
Mark 16:15-20
New King James Version
15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Christ Ascends to God’s Right Hand.
19 So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. 20 And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.
Two months ago I was invited to pray with a small House Church here in Franklin. Upon returning back to Texas, they reached out with an offer to come back and offer prayer for anyone in need in Tennessee.
As a servant, I am looking forward until my final breath to connect with members of the Body of Christ throughout Tennessee, it's cities and communities.
Let's go out into All The World Together...
If you are in need of:
A Hug
Marriage Services
Guest Speaker
Interm Pastoring
Discipleship Training
Pulpit Supply
Or just need someone to be there

Bertrand Todd III
Oakland Pastor - Oakland Campus
Born and raised in Oakland, CA. Bert had his 1st solo at 3 yrs. old at Old Calvary Temple COGIC and the song of choice was “Yes Jesus Loves Me”. First time directing a choir at age 10 at LMV GHMBC and also his first Sermonette was at age 12 at GHMBC as well. He also taught his first Sunday School Lesson as well at age 12. Bertrand was awarded as being a part off the Most Promising Choir in 1999 from Bay Area Music Awards. He was also Awarded Most Spirited in 1999 as a Castleer at Castlemonth High School. He also participated in his 1st Live Recording at Cathedral of Praise COGIC (COP) in Nashville, TN under the leadership of Bishop Jerry L. Maynard, Sr. He is always looking for God to do Above and Beyond!

Elder Roger Wells
Church Clerk
I am a Louisiana native. I moved to Tennessee in 1993. I hold college degrees as follows: BA in Elementary Education, and Master of Education in School Administration and Supervision. I have a large number of hobbies: Oil painting, Pen and Ink Drawing, Crochet, Knitting, Dancing, Acting, and music. I am widowed. My wife passed away in 2006. We were married for 25 years. I have one daughter, Annie Rebekah Craddock, two granddaughters, Leilauni Rebekah Cage and Mary-Anne Elizabeth Cage, and one grandson, Johnathon Daniel Parkhurst. In my home church in Louisiana, I served as Sunday School Superintendent, Your Group Leader, member of the Chancel Choir and the Good News Singers Men’s Choir.